Monday, March 15, 2010

Saw-Whet Owl

Saw-Whet Owl
He lives all year round
in northern states from
Washington to Maine, and
somtimes spends the winter
in southern area rain.
His tiny feathers puff, making him
look wise and vain. He has a seven-
teen inch wingspan, and calls Saw-Whet,
his name. He prefers to perch on evergreen
trees to wait for coming prey.He is a
creature that God made, fragile, new,
and small. Saw-Whet is his name.
a sweet sweet name
is Saw-Whet and
shall he ever live.


  1. Hi Phillip,
    This is an awesome post. I love your carefully illustrated poem which captures the specialness and fun of this little bird. Thanks for writing. Glad you are able to be an author for this blog.
    The color choices are a little difficult to read but not impossible. All the colors of the blog layout can be changed if you want anything to appear in a different color.
    Keep writing, reading and thanking God for the gifts he's given you.
    Love, Grandma Lee

  2. Hi Phillip,
    Grandma Lee said, "When you go into the computer, let me show you something." Surprise, Phillip's new poem. Wow! What creative poetry and typography! I did a similar thing by typing I Corinthians 13 in the shape of a heart for a Valentine for Grandma and it is not easy. To both compose the text and present it in such a cute form and color scheme is a real accomplishment. Why did you choose the Saw-Whet Owl? ~~ Grandpa JC
